Create a Paw-fect Pet-Friendly Backyard

Dogs and the outdoors go together like cupcakes and frosting – we can't imagine one without the other. Many dogs are hyperactive and love to release that energy outdoors.
Not only does a pet-friendly backyard brings comfort and safety to dogs, but it helps them with mental and physical stimulation.

Check out our easy steps to create a safe outdoor space for your backyard-loving pooch.

How to Set Up a Dog-Friendly Outdoor Space

The backyard is where you and your family have fun – and that goes for your fur pal too. Check out these ideas to upgrade your backyard for your pets.
  1. Create dog-safe landscaping: Avoid toxic and expensive plants and instead try adding clovers, mulch and durable grass blends that can withstand heavy use.
  2. Install the right fence: Select a fence that you can be easily maintained. Additionally, you can install a small window in your fence for your dog so they can see what’s happening on the other side.
  3. Fertilize your lawn carefully: While fertilizers are great for your garden, they can be dangerous for your dogs. When the fertilizer is applied, keep your pets off the lawn until it has been watered. You can also switch to pet-safe lawn care or organic and natural methods.
  4. Include water activities: If you have a water-loving dog, try setting up a hard-sided swimming pool (inflatables might get punctured by your dog’s nails). You can even install a small fountain or stream that features moving water.
  1. Install a sandpit: Create a sand pit for your dog and you’ll soon stop worrying about the holes in your backyard, couches, carpets, and rugs. Hide a tennis ball or a toy in the play sand and let your dog dig to their heart’s content.
  2. Include places to mark: Dogs sniff and pee a lot during their walks because they love to see and be seen. Add a boulder or a statue in your backyard to make it more dog friendly.
  3. Create shade: If your pooch is an outdoor enthusiast, creating shade to cool down is essential. Set up a tarp, a cool surface, or a doghouse in your yard will be perfect for an all-season hangout.
  4. Give your dog fun toys: Keep your dog entertained with some chew toys, rope, and ball toys. Add tether toys that anchor into the ground and let them play tug-of-war for as long as they want.

Buyer’s Guide: Dog Training Collars

A dog collar is an incredible tool to refine your dog’s behaviour, and skills and even save an animal’s life. It’s a training tool that keeps you connected with your dog, so having the right dog collar that fits your needs will benefit you and your furry friend.

Activities To Do With Your Pet This Summer

This summer, give your dog more than a simple game of fetch. With warmer weather rolling in, treat your dog to plenty of exciting outdoor activities. From hiking new trails to backyard dog-friendly yoga, there’s no shortage of ways to have fun and bond with your furry friend.

Off-Leash Freedom: Top Outdoor Activities for Dogs

Get outside and let your dog bask in the sun, sniff every new smell, and enjoy some fresh air. Here's our list of favorite activities to do with dogs.
  1. Stretch with your dog: Try a dog yoga session, known as "doga," a complete fun way to spend and bond with your furry friend.
  2. Dog parkour: Often referred to as “urban agility,” dog parkour is a series of challenging activities where canines crawl, jump, climb and balance on various objects. It's a perfect outdoor activity if your dog is highly energetic and athletic.
  3. Go hiking: It's aways hike time when it comes to dogs. They are natural explorers and are the happiest when exploring new trails.
  4. Cool-off at a pool party: Many swimming pools host dog-only swim events before they clean up their pool and close for the season. Take your pup to one of these pool parties and let them enjoy swimming with other dogs. Make sure to check with your local pool to see if they have any dog-pool events.
  5. Go kayaking: Dogs are curious animals, and they love to be on the water. Whether it’s in a kayak, a boat, or a paddle board, they will seize the first opportunity. It is recommended to train and outfit your dog with proper safety gear.
  1. Create a ball pit: Give your dog ball of a time by filling a kiddie pool with small colourful plastic balls and see the fun unfold.
  2. Add sprinklers: Beat the heat with a few sprinklers in your backyard. It's one of the best summer fun gifts you can give your pets.
  3. Barn hunt: This is a perfect game for dogs that are scent hunters. Barn hunt aims to test and improve your dog's smell and hunting skills.
  4. A beach day out: If your dog loves to swim, taking them to a dog-friendly beach will be a perfect day out. Make sure to read the rules and hours of the beach before you head out. Always gear your pup in a life vest before they make a splash.
  5. Hit the dog park: Being able to run loose and romp at a dog park is one of the best ways to let your dog’s energy out and stimulate their entire body. Remember, a tired dog is a happy dog!

Dog Safety

Outdoor activities like an adventurous hike or romping in a park are all great ways to get your dog to exercise and strengthen your bond. But summers come with their own set of potential problems for pets if proper safety measures are not taken. Keep your furry friend healthy, safe, and cool this summer with our tips.

Keep Your Dog Safe in The Sun: Safety Tips for Dog Owners

Here are our top 8 tips to keep your pets safe and happy this summer.

  1. Don’t leave your pets in a parked car: Regardless of running the air conditioner or opening windows, don’t leave your pet inside a parked car. The temperature inside your car can heat up easily and your pet may get sick.
  2. Protect against parasites: Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other parasites carry heartworms, tapeworms, skin irritation infections and diseases such as Lyme and West Nile Virus that can cause serious damage to your dog. Talk to your vet about effective preventatives. Always check your pet after every outing to ensure their fur is not home to any of these nasty pests.
  3. Life jackets and vests: Most dogs love to swim and spend time on the water. Equipping them with a life vest gives them buoyancy and visibility. If your canine is in a pool, it is still important to outfit them in a vest.
  4. Watch out for toxins: Curious noses want to poke around and smell every corner and sometimes they can invite trouble. Beware of stagnant water, toxic plants and chemicals like pesticides or rodenticides. If ingested, they can be harmful.
  1. Vaccinate your dog: One of the best things to do is keep a check on your dog’s health. Keep vaccines up-to-date and talk to your vet about vaccines that could be helpful for your pet.
  2. Know when to keep them home: Summers can be hot for your fur friends, and it is important to keep them in the shade and cool them off with water activities. Allow them to lick an ice cube or two and make sure they are properly hydrated after every play.
  3. Always carry identification: It’s better to be safe than sorry and for that, make sure your dog wears a collar with an ID tag every time you take them out. Consider having your pet microchipped in case the ID tag falls off. Ensure your information on the microchip is up to date.
  4. Be prepared: Before heading out, ensure your dog is wearing a collar with the ID tag. Check the leash, and carry water, treats, and a pet first-aid kit.


To Leash or To Unleash

Holidays are more fun when your fur baby is around. But first, can Fido come? We have a list of resources that can help you find out about dog etiquette, pet-friendly campgrounds, and rules and regulations of parks and beaches in Canada. Ready your pup and spoil them with choices!